
The English Sangha Trust
Data Protection Statement of Principles
The English Sangha Trust, on behalf of the sangha and communities at Amaravati and Cittaviveka Buddhist Monasteries, recognises its responsibilities under the General Data Protection Regulations. This concerns all the records we hold with information about you, your address etc. We are implementing these Regulations in accordance with the following principles, applied as appropriate to each database:
Data is only held about you in order to fulfil your requests and our legal responsibilities.
Your active consent is required for us to use and store data, such as requesting a guest or retreatant stay at the monastery, or being added to the newsletter or audio databases.
You can request to see, amend or have deleted the data held about you, at any time. If you change your data status it may affect your bookings, Gift Aid etc.
Data you have supplied is not disclosed to anybody who is not authorised and trained by the EST or the monastic sangha. It is never sold or passed to other organisations.