
Online Donations
The Trustees of The English Sangha Trust offer the following online facilities as a convenient way of making online donations to the monasteries, please click on one of the links below to make an online donation of your choice;
Online donations using a debit/credit card can be paid in UK Sterling, Euros, or US Dollars. Please note that The English Sangha Trust will incur a transaction charge of 3.6% for online donations, including those from overseas supporters.
You are invited to suggest whether Cittaviveka (Chithurst), Amaravati, or the ABM Retreat Centre should benefit from your online donation. Your choice informs, but does not require, the English Sangha Trust to allocate your gift to the chosen place as the final decision is influenced by advice from the Sangha to the Trust as to what is needed.
Please note that if the amounts donated for a specified project are ultimately more than necessary any excess will be used for the general support of the Sangha.