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Supporting the Monastery


Offering support to a monastery benefits the one who offers as well as the recipient.  Generosity and the inclination to help others open the heart. It’s also obviously the case that the monastery benefits – it becomes capable of maintaining itself and therefore remains as a resource for people to visit and draw inspiration from. It is because of this mutual support that the Assembly of lay and monastic disciples have kept the Buddha’s Way alive in the world for centuries. For many people, to sense that one is part of that transmission is a most valuable reflection.


There are several ways to support Cittaviveka:

Financial Support  to the monastery steward or lay treasurer.

Offering Dana   such as food and non-food items to share with the community.

Offering Requisites  such as supplies, furnishings, equipment.

Offering Skills   such as expertise and consultation.

Alms-Giving Ceremonies  which may involve many families and friends 

Sponsoring Books   to help our teachings appear in books for free distribution.


Cittaviveka is completely dependent on donations. 

Cittaviveka does not receive support from any powerful backers or institutions; it sells nothing and all teachings as well as books are given freely. No charge is made for people to stay here; the resident Sangha is prohibited from possessing or dealing in money. The community draws from its own skills to keep the monastery going, and in this is aided by various lay advisory committees; The Cittaviveka Advisory Group and the English Sangha Trust supervise these.

Cittaviveka is financially managed by the English Sangha Trust, a registered charity which can receive and administer any such donations. The Trust Secretary will be happy to answer any queries concerning the nature of the Trust. 

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