

We do not use email for initial contact.
If you would like to book a stay or would like to contact our Guestmonk or Guestnun, please read Staying as a Guest for more information.
Chithurst House (Monks)
Cittaviveka (Chithurst Buddhist Monastery)
Chithurst, Petersfield
Hampshire, GU31 5EU
United Kingdom
Google Maps Street View
Landline: +44(0)1730 814 986
Office hours are typically Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10.00 am - 12.00 pm. Phone messages can be left at any time and are checked and responded to on a regular basis.
Sat Nav or Map Apps enter or click GU31 5EU
Rocana Vihara (Nuns)
Hammer Lane
Iping, Midhurst
West Sussex, GU29 0PF
United Kingdom
The English Sangha Trust
The English Sangha Trust Ltd.
Chithurst Buddhist Monastery
Chithurst, Petersfield
Hampshire, GU31 5EU
United Kindom
The English Sangha Trust Ltd.
Amaravati Buddhist Monastery
Gread Gaddesden, Hemel Hempstead
Hertfordshire, HP1 3BZ
United Kingdom
Amaravati Publications
Amaravati Publications
Amaravati Buddhist Monastery
Gread Gaddesden, Hemel Hempstead
Hertfordshire, HP1 3BZ
United Kingdom
Cittaviveka Webmaster
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Please write an email to: webmaster(at)
Registering Concern
Chithurst Buddhist Monastery has a formal process of receiving, registering and addressing concerns about the conduct of members of its monastic community.
If you wish to register a concern, please write to the address above and be sure to include your name and return address.
N.B. All enquiries will be attended to by postal mail rather than electronically.
Safeguarding Policy
This is now in place at each of the English Sangha Trust monasteries, primarily to protect children and vulnerable adults from any kind of abuse. If you observe behaviour by any monastic or lay person that you feel is abusive towards anyone, in particular towards a child or vulnerable adult, please inform the Abbot, Senior Nun or Monastery Secretary. They will be able to provide the appropriate information for reporting, recording and responding to such incidents or patterns of behaviour. This will greatly assist us in ensuring that the monasteries remain a safe, welcoming environment for all.
Data Protection
For information related to data protection, click here.
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